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Little Sparks of Joy Studio
Average rating:  
 37 reviews
 by Susan hinton
Put me in my happy place
Product: Cola bottles sour worms and fairy floss

Lucy your candles absolutely complete me.... if ive had a rough day a sad day or just want to put more sunshine in my day all i need to do is light one of your magical candles xx

 by Nicole
Seconds stock
Product: Lemon meringue, 50c loll

After seeing (and smelling) your candles at a local market i was kicking myself afterwards that I didn't buy one. So when I received the email about the seconds stock i dived right in and bought 4. I seriously don't know why they were marked down, i couldn't see any issues. When the parcel arrived the smell was devine and they actually smell like what they say. Very impressed all around

 by Alyssa
Lemony goodness
Product: Lemon meringue diffuser

Such a strong but not overpowering smell, my partner was worried we wouldn’t be able to enjoy it after a few days but it’s been a few weeks now and it’s still going strong! 100% a rebuy once it runs out.

 by Katie
Espresso impresso!
Product: Espresso Yourself candles

I am absolutely blown away by the amazing smell of this candle. It smells exactly like a barista brewed coffee and so cosy! I normally can’t burn candles as most give me a headache due to the type of fragrance used but I’m so happy to say no headaches were had. I will definitely be buying some more in the future. So excited for what’s to come from Lucy 🥰

 by Amy
Product: 50c Lolly Bag + Sour Worms

Bought these to use for my clinic, but after getting home they smelt too good, so I’ve kept them for my house 🙈 I’ll have to come and buy some more, they’re incredible!

 by Brielle
Product: 50c lolly bag diffuser & Chocolate milk Candle

O M G!!!
I went to the markets and I saw your amazing store and started smelling the candles and oh my god I was in love every single candle smells exactly what the product says I brought the 50c lolly bag diffuser and the chocolate milk candle for my partner and seriously oh my god I'm so in love I really use candles but oh my god am I going to buy so many more from you they are so good for the house and so good for gifts as well. I'm seriously super duper impressed the packaging the service everything is 100 out of 10 cannot wait to get more!!!

 by Ashley
Product: Grape tape candle, Musk Stick and Jaffa lip balm

Received these in a hamper and every scent smells exactly the way it was intended. It gives you that instant connection to the food. Absolutely spot on. The lip balms are also so creamy yet light. Would definitely recommend.

 by Caitlyn Downes
So delicious
Product: Baking sugar cookies

I don’t know how she does it but ever. Single, candle, smells like the name and god damn delicious at that !
Would definitely re-purchase and if you haven’t already, check her page out!!

 by Alison
House smell fabulous
Product: Choc honeycomb and 50 c lolly bag

First bought these beautiful candles from a market while holidaying in Perth. They smell amazing, have just had some delivered to Melbourne in beautiful packaging with some extra surprises in the box … yumm xx

 by Bec Hall
Product: Musk sticks and Toffee Apple

Amazing, delicious, yum 🥰

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